Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Final Articles in the Business of Wedding Photography Series

Learning to make excellent images is only half of the equation to being a professional photographer. Learning to build, promote and run a successful business is equally important if you want to make a career of photography. Covering everything from promotion to legal issues, there are 11 articles to complete the discussion on the business of wedding photography. The final 3 topics have been published:

9. Wedding digital workflow
10. Wedding albums, shopping carts, and other products
11. Further tips and advice

"I photograph in RAW and process using Capture One. I then export the files as TIFFs and bring into Photoshop to tweak. Editing is done with iView in thumbnail mode." -Jeff Ascough

"The albums we use varies. Perhaps the most expensive is White Glove, other companies include Art Leather, Leather Craftsmen, and a few others, depending on the client's budget and taste. Capri is also used a lot because the rep comes to our studios at least once a year." -Bob Bernardo

Read More: Business of Wedding Photography

Image by Marc Williams
